Truspace for FVG contracting stations.
A conference christens the start of the trial.
A large and attentive audience welcomed the important parterre of speakers called to the table at the seminar BIM@FVG on Friday, March 10, at the Regional Palace in Udine. Innovation in the network of contracting stations.
The occasion, desired by the Central Directorate for Infrastructure and Territory of the Region and Insiel, was useful to take stock of the introduction of BIM in FVG and to officially present a project that just in these weeks enters its operational phase: the experimentation of the use of the Truspace platform by the network of contracting stations, urged by the progressive compulsory use of BIM in PA and the management of PNRR contracts.
Starting in March, a dozen entities including ARPA FVG, Heritage Directorate of the FVG Region, the EDRs, ASUGI, the Municipality of Trieste, etc. will enter into the thick of the training and mentoring process that will lead to managing in BIM some tenders selected for this first experimental start-up phase.
A cutting-edge project, a real "first" in Italy, an expression of the vocation for innovation present in the Friuli Venezia Giulia region, a project that can already be read as a result and reflection of the ability of the different actors-both public and private-to ride the themes of research and BIM in advance.
Sustainability, network, innovation, training, digital: these are some of the themes related to BIM and the scenario it opens up, keywords chosen as a common thread in the contributions planned for the seminar.
The greetings of Cristina Modolo (Director of Public Works and Technical Construction Service) were followed in a rhythmic dialogue by Marco Padrini (Central Director of Infrastructure and Territory) who framed the region's activities in the context of the European agenda and the network that strategically links contracting stations; Alberto Sdegno (professor at the University of Udine and Dean of the Master BIM) who gave historical perspective to BIM and made known the University's commitment in terms of research, innovation and high education on BIM until Daniele Gortan (Director ComPa FVG) who reconstructed the constant commitment in the last years of accompaniment to BIM through a rich mix of paths addressed to PA.
Getting to the heart of the digital issues were Diego Antonini and Mauro Rudez, Sole Director and Manager of Insiel, respectively, who offered an overview of the technological and digital infrastructures made available to the Region and that form the backdrop to the experimentation. A context marked by experiences of excellence that are now preparing to dialogue with the new dimension given by the entry of BIM in PA. The choice of the Truspace platform and supporting team was fixed precisely on the confidence of being able to reproduce the effectiveness of experiences already successfully conducted on other themes.
To Marco Lotti, CEO and co-founder of 4Days, the task of delving, with the closing speech, into the tools and methods with which the experimentation will be operated, reconstructing in detail the profile of the platform, from its development to its characteristics, up to the various successful applications in the public and private sector. A perspective narrated with hints of pride in being able to once again contribute directly to innovation in the area.
Drawing the red thread of themes and contents with the role of moderator, a protagonist chosen not by chance: Ennio Picco, Technical Director of Cimolai, representative not only of a reality of great importance in the regional fabric, but one of the first to have grasped in BIM a strategic opportunity. In fact, it is precisely from decades of collaboration with the company, and its need as a general contractor to manage projects of great complexity around the world, that Truspace was designed and perfected. A valuable experience that engineer Picco himself has fruitfully put to use.
Thus, an experimentation that starts with the best assumptions, with the participation of a synergistic network and the confidence of an important arc of actors. Including that of those present in the room who, thanks to an interactive mode proposed by the conference, expressed great confidence and enthusiasm to the envisaged scenario of the introduction of BIM in PA.
To learn more, read the interview with Marco Lotti, CEO of 4Days.