Choose your plan

Find the best solution for your company. Get in touch with us to digitalize the construction process straight away.

Perfect for managing a single job order, testing the platform on a project, or supporting a
team's work.
Start small,
but think big.
Even small projects can benefit from BIM, since It eliminates unnecessary time-wasting activites, enabling you to get the most out of any project, regardless of its scope.
What the plan offers:
  • One project
  • Users: 10
  • Cloud environment, valid for 3 years
  • Advanced 3D viewer
  • CDE
  • Advanced document management
  • Collaborative processes
  • Monitoring and management of activities and alerts
  • Open BIM standards
  • Support
A smart solution for small or medium-sized businesses and design studios.
A complete, simple,
and sustainable solution.
Innovative platform for easy management of all your projects in a single cloud solution, integrating a powerful CDE and introducing smart project management methods with significant advantages for IT costs, management processes, and certifications.
What the plan offers:
Everything in PROJECT plus:
  • Projects: unlimited
  • Users: unlimited
  • System Integration
  • Learning
A great solution for managing large projects for the entire life cycle of your assets.

Tell us your plans and
we’ll help you realize them.
A dedicated consulting process and customization to integrate our software into your digital ecosystem and manage every process and order of complexity as efficiently as possible.
What the plan offers:
STANDARD base plus:
  • Full 4D management
  • Maintenance management
  • Asset monitoring management - IoT
  • Customization of processes and interfaces

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the system requirements to use the platform? 

Because Truspace is a web and cloud platform, there are no specific hardware or operating system requirements. You can use it with any browser, although Chrome is recommended for best performance. In addition, the platform is compatible with other devices (e.g., tablets) to enhance the worksite experience

Is Truspace compatible with management software and other technologies?

By its nature, Truspace is an open platform that fosters and promotes collaboration throughout the asset lifecycle. Therefore, any organization can integrate its management software ecosystem(ERP, MRP, MES, APS, BI) into our service to leverage its full potential. 

Embracing new technologies such as IoT is critical for the AECO industry; that's why we decided to equip the platform with an integration module. For example, a smart sensor or building management system (BMS) installed in the asset can provide you with real-time data about your asset.

Is Truspace an evolving platform?  

One hundred percent. In order to meet the needs of theAECO industry, our development teams are continuously releasing new, improved products. We pay special attention to the feedback from our partners and customers to provide the best possible service. 


What types of models can I upload to the platform? 

BIM standard open IFC files are recommended to promoteinteroperability. The IFC format allows data to be encoded in various formats, such as XML and JSON. Data can be transmitted via Web services, imported and exported to files, or managed in centralized or linked databases. However, any type of file can be uploaded to the platform, such as RVT (Revit) files.   

Is there a limit to the number of Truspace users?   

The number of people who can enter the platform and use it is unlimited. Our goal is to help private and public sector companies manage thousands of people and projects. Our goal has always been to make sure that all parties involved have a good experience with any kind of project.   

Is there a limit to the amount of data I can handle on the platform? 

Absolutely not! On larger projects, not only does the number of people involved increase, but also the amount of data. Managing an amount of this magnitude could affect efficiency. The Truspace platform, on the other hand, is optimized to enable efficient management of large amounts of data of any kind to make the work easier.


Is purchasing the platform enough to effectively manage my resources?  

You could potentially purchase the platform and use it on your own. However, we provide training, coaching and implementation services to ensure an efficient digital transition. With our platform, we help our clients grow and become more systematized. For example, we have supported some companies by sending experienced BIM managers to help with training and management of their processes.   

Can Truspace solve specific needs of my organization?   

The answer is yes. Not everyone in the supply chain has the same needs or organizational processes. To solve this problem, we research ad-hoc solutions for everyone who needs them, through a POC (Proof of Concept) and prototyping process. We work to help companies solve all their problems.   

What are the benefits of using Truspace?  

Moving to full-digital comes with benefits. We propose a structured platform that offers an open standard BIM approach. With full digital delivery and process control, everyone inside and outside the organization can achieve a high level of efficiency. The platform also enables compliance with BIM certifications.  

Our web-cloud technology makes it easy to reduce costs, manage and store data, and manage users from anywhere. Finally, our solution is designed to cover the entire asset lifecycle and all stakeholders involved. With Truspace you can minimize complexity and increase cost, time and quality performance.   


Specifically, who is the platform intended for?   

To anyone involved in theconstruction industry. From designers who share their creations with other teams and work in a real, collaborative way, to contractors who need to coordinate complex projects and supplier teams, to facility managers who need to optimize their assets. In other words, anyone involved in theAECO industry can use the platform.   

Are your training and consulting services available without purchasing the platform?  

Indeed. We offer a wide range of services, not just a platform. Some of our clients have come to us to understand what BIM is or to get training and coaching for their teams. In addition, we also offer BIM consulting services, regardless of platform. If you need more information, please read the "Services" section to better understand which solution might be right for you.   

What if I need a specific application along with the platform?  

We have developed standard mobile apps to make our platform easy to use. For example, a CDE management app, an approval app, a maintenance app, a project KPI app, and so on. In other words, if you have a specific request, we can help you.   


Can you manage the planning process of a project?  

Yes, the platform implements the fourth dimension of BIM, either directly or by integrating planning software such as Primavera or Project. In addition, the platform is planned to allow data entry such as construction progress or manteinance operations, creating an ergonomic front-end.  

Can the platform handle a complete CDE process (AC-Dat)?  

The platform is designed to automate CDE processes that meet ISO (or UNI) standards, enabling users to manage documents/models, approval processes, and visibility permissions all from one place. As well as to manage issues (through BCF standards), template-specific workflows and transmittal notes. Basically, the platform acts as a complete document manager!  

Does the platform have a visualizer?  

The platform has a powerful visualizer designed to manage projects from a 3D perspective. The visualizer enables model confederation, model comparison, data management and analysis, problem and task management, document visualization, markups and collaboration, as well as real-time data from smart sensors and historical trends. Again, all these features can be accessed directly from the 3D viewer integrated with the platform.